Article I. Name
Southwest Missouri Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Branch 16
Article II. Purpose
To promote the collection, restoration, preservation, education & exhibition of antique engines, tractors, steam traction engines and all types of historical related equipment, and further, promote the fellowship of those with common interests.
Article III. Membership
Membership is open to all that are interested in the restoration of the hobby. All members must be a member of the National Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association. The Southwest Missouri Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association is Branch 16 of the National.
Article IV. Officers
The officers are as follows
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary-Treasurer
Article V. Board of Directors
The board of directors shall consist of 3 directors, who are elected on a 3-year rotation.
Article VI. Parliamentary Authority
The Parliamentary Procedure used in the current Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern in all cases unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or Bylaws.
Article I. Goals
- The goal and purpose of Southwest Missouri Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Branch 16 is to promote good fellowship, education, along with the collection, restoration and exhibition of antique engines, tractors, steam traction engines and all types of historical related equipment.
- Herein the word (club) will be used in place of Southwest Missouri Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Branch 16.
Article II. Meetings
- The club shall hold regular meetings the first Saturday night of each month. In memory of the club founder John Berry, a picnic will be held the first Saturday night of August, at Ash Grove, Missouri, the home of Branch 16. It shall be known as the Annual John Berry Day Picnic.
- The majority vote of the membership or the Executive Committee may post-pone a regular meeting or call a special meeting.
- Place of monthly meeting shall be voted on by the general membership.
- A Quorum to conduct business, shall be 10% of current membership.
Article III. Annual Meeting
The annual meeting and election officers will be the first Saturday night of December. Newly elected officers and directors will take office January 1 of the coming year. Officers to be elected by a simple majority. All officers and directors shall be members, all dues paid up and in good standing with the club. In case the nominating committee fails to produce any candidates, nominations shall be made from the floor. If more than one candidate per office, A paper ballot should be used.
Article IV. Officers & Directors
There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and 3-directors.
The President shall be elected for a term of 2 years in the odd years.
The Vice-President shall be elected for a term of 2 years in the even years.
Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for a term of 2 years in the even years.
The Directors shall be elected on a 3-year rotation.
The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of 3, all members in good standing to seek candidates for the officers and directors.
- Duties of the President
- The President shall be responsible for the administration of the decisions of the Board of Directors and membership of the club, and see that the business and best interest of the club is attended to.
- He/she shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors. In case the President is absent at any meeting, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of President.
- In case the President and Vice-President shall be absent, the Secretary shall conduct the meeting.
- Duties of the Vice-President
- The Vice-President shall assist the President in his/her duties when called upon and will preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
- Should the office of President become vacant due to resignation or incapacity, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President for the unexpired term of office.
- Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
- The secretary shall keep records of all meetings and business of the club.
- The Treasurer shall keep account of all money of the club and pay all money owed by the club. Shall give a monthly financial report.
- Duties of the Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors shall give general direction to the work of the club. The Board of Directors shall meet as needed.
Article V. Dues
Dues shall be established by the membership.
- The club shall collect dues and insurance for the National Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association.
- Club dues shall be set by the membership to meet the needs of the club.
- All dues are due by March 15 of each year.
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect all dues and insurance.
- National dues shall be forwarded to the National Secretary.
- Insurance shall be forwarded to the designated receiver of the money
- The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall establish a checking account to deposit all monies and all invoices shall be paid by check. There shall also be a savings account established for extra money not needed for daily business
- The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be on all accounts.
Article VI. Events Officer
The Executive committee shall have the power to appoint or cause to be appointed a person to be known as the Events Officer. The Events Officer shall have the following duties:
- Shall be in charge of scheduling of all shows
- Shall report all shows to the National Association
- Shall keep the membership informed of a schedule of shows
- Shall list a contact person of each show
- Shall report to the Secretary-Treasurer for reimbursements of money spent in doing the job.
- Shall answer only to the executive board
- This appointment shall be filled at all times. The executive committee has the power to remove and replace said events director at any time
Article VII. Safety Officer
The Executive committee shall appoint the Safety Officer. The executive committee has the power to remove and replace the Safety Officer.
Duties of the Safety Officer:
- Shall be in charge of safety.
- Shall have power to handle unsafe actions of members or visitors.
- Shall have the power to select helpers or have the executive committee appoint helpers.
- Shall answer only to the executive committee
- This appointment shall be filled at all times.
Article VIII. Publicity Officer
The Executive Committee shall appoint the Publicity Officer. The Executive Committee has the power to remove and replace publicity officer.
Duties of the publicity officer:
- The Publicity Officer shall be in charge of publicity of the club.
- The publicity officer shall notify magazines, newspapers and news media to advertise activities the club might be involved in.
Article IX. Newsletter Editor
The Executive Committee shall appoint the Newsletter Editor. The Executive Committee Has the power to remove and replace the newsletter editor. The Newsletter editor shall be reimbursed for money spent in doing the job.
Duties of the Newsletter Editor:
- Collect and publish news of the club in a letterform to be mailed to all members a Minimum of 3 times a year.
- Work with the executive committee and all other committees in reporting news of the club.
Article X. Web Master
The club shall have an internet web site to keep web members informed of activities and shall Post pictures of shows and other information for potential members. The Executive Committee shall have the power to remove and replace the web master.
- The web master shall select helpers to do computer entries as needed.
- The club shall pay web site expenses.
Article XI. Club Historian
The executive committee shall appoint the Club Historian. The executive committee has the power to remove and replace the Club Historian.
Duties of the Club Historian:
- Shall record all historical events and working events of the club.
Article XII. Committees
The executive committee shall have power to appoint committees as needed to run the operations of the club.
Article XIII. Conduct of Members
- Each member shall be loyal to the club and fellow members. It is recommended that all members, if possible, attend three meetings, one outside show and one workday each year. It is the duty of every member to keep up with club activities and help promote our organization.
- Each member shall try to keep other members informed of engines, tractors, equipment or parts for sale or trade and try to keep engines or related items in our area.
- All members should notify the newsletter editor to post items in the next publication.
- Each member shall conduct him or herself in a proper and respectable manner and there shall be no alcoholic beverages or vulgar language at any public show or meetings. It is the duty of the members to abide by all rules and regulation of this club or rules of any hosting organization where the Southwest Missouri Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association, Branch 16 may be a guest.
Article XIV. Audit Committee
The Executive Committee, shall appoint an Audit Committee (a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 members) to audit the financial records of the club annually at the close of the calendar year. At the conclusion of the audit, the committee shall report of the findings to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will then present the findings to the membership at a regular meeting following the review.
Article XV. Dissolution
- In the event of dissolution of the club, all remaining assets shall be sold in accordance with to the purchase and donation agreement of said equipment.
- The remaining money after all bills are paid should be donated as follows:
- To a scholarship fund for like interests.
- To a University or College to be used in a engineering department to help educate a person Of like interests.
Article XVI. Amendments
These By-laws can be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a two-thirds vote of members present provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing and read at the previous regular meeting.
Read and discussed at committee meeting 11-19-2002.
Larry Voris
Chris Garrett
Lois Prewitt
Vance West
John Pekarek
Dennis Fust
Dorene Yearian
Tom Yearian
Darrell Carter
Ellen Carter
Karl Goodson
Charley Stark
Betty Stark
Constitution and By-laws were approved at the January 4, 2003 meeting by the majority of members present.
By-laws update approved at the December 6, 2003 annual meeting.